Google has long been a tool used to find information on the internet. However, did you know that it can also be used to find confidential documents and files that belong to organizations, and individuals? In fact, it's quite simple. All you need to do is properly use search filters!
This is a fun little exercise to show you how this attack works!
Dave is a cyber security analyst who spends his days searching for confidential documents that have been accidentally leaked onto the Internet. One day, Dave was using Google Dork techniques listed on and he came across a file on Google that he had never seen before. The file was titled "Confidential" and it contained confidential information about his company's new product line.
Dave quickly copied the file to his computer and emailed it to his boss. He then called the company's IT department and told them about the confidential file. They quickly took down the file and avoided a major cyber event.
A File Transfer Protocol Server (FTP Server) is a software solution that enables the transfer of files from one computer to another across the internet.
You can use the following Google search to identify open FTP servers: inurl:ftp -inurl:(http|https)
Enhance this query to find confidential files.
Identify open FTP servers that belong to government agencies
Using google, there are advanced search techniques that can specify much more specific results such as they type of service, or the TLDs.
Using inurl:
allows the user to add specific terms that should be seen in the URL. Using -inurl:
does the opposite and makes sure that those terms are not to be in the URL.
Combine search terms to identify confidential files stored on open FTP servers
These additional query parameters can also be added alongside regular search terms.
'Confidential "not for distribution" inurl:ftp, gov -inurl:(http|https)'
By adding additional search terms, you are able to fine tune your searches to get very specific outputs. The quotation marks narrows the search to only sites that contain that exact string of characters. if you would like to learn more about google search terms, please read more here.